In addition to world-leading scientific approaches and methods, CARBOSTORE pays special attention to the direct and close interlinking with the social sciences, here law and economics as well as with regulatory and legislative authorities such as the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) or the Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Protection and Nature Conservation (NLWKN).
The consortium is composed of scientists from a wide variety of disciplines with experience in the following subject areas:
- Integration of marine, atmospheric and terrestrial observations
- Biogeochemistry in the river-ocean continuum Determination, speciation and isotope analysis of (trace) elements
- Nitrification Investigation using manipulative approaches, such as nutrient labeling with stable isotopes
- Benthic-pelagic coupling and sediment dynamics
- Atmosphere Emissions, transport and conversion of pollutants
- Ultra high resolution mass spectrometry for the investigation of marine DOMs
- Development and use of sensors Detection of biogeochemical key parameters and hazardous substances in marine space
- Modeling the coastal ocean Modeling of the hydrodynamic circulation and sediment dynamics on the coast and development of physical and biogeochemical models (e.g. ERGOM)
- International and European legislation Economic requirements in water management; Regulation of marine resources, new uses of the ocean and the effects of climate change
For detailed information regarding the composition of the consortium, the interaction of the project partners as well as internal and external networks click here: Consortium
For detailed information on the individual project partners and their areas of responsibility within CARBOSTORE, click here: Partner